Am I Wrong ?

Have a good day everyone who read this post..

I'm not feeling well since Friday last week because something
and this is why i want to post a new entry.
Actually i've typed this last week, but it didn't finish yet. So, here I am. In the middle of the night. 

Yea, to be honest, i'm feeling okay soon after i did chat with someone on last tuesday if i'm not mistaken(idk the right grammar, please kindly tell me the right grammar in the comments). BUT tonight, i'm feeling unwell again. Lol. So moody. 

I kept feeling insecure, more and more. About 'that' something. I already told 'that someone' the reason why i felt unwell last week. And he told me to stop feeling insecure (kind af). 

But how could i possibly do that? When i know the reality it's not about two people but the whole ppl who know those two people get involved too. To tell the truth, i feel a pang of jealousy :( I don't even know what should i do. Because the last convo i had with 'that someone' is i don't wanna take and give any other intentions(?)orz. 
So you could know how weird and embarassed feeling that i felt that time, esp when i told him the reason. Ugh. I cursed myself so much. Plz just hate me. I guessed he hates me but can't do anything wkwkw. 

So i feel the same thing again tonight, and i write this down to be my new entry instead tell him again what i felt. Because i just feel so ridiculous, non sense, and so possessive weirdo:( 

I'm so sorry..


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